
Gryphon Triden II Floorstanding Speakers

The overwhelmingly positive reception of the Gryphon Poseidon, a four-tower system that occupied a considerable piece of domestic real estate, generated massive audiophile interest for a single-enclosure, full-range system that could perform to the same high standards in somewhat smaller rooms.

The original Gryphon Trident was that system. Now, the Gryphon Trident II breaks new ground in audio performance, exploiting innovative drivers and cabinet construction technologies to create a direct music conduit with consummate sonic neutrality, textural purity and dynamic ease.

Revised versions of Gryphon Audio Designs products are few and far between for the simple reason that Gryphon has never brought a product to the marketplace, before it was fully ready for prime time. Because each product is allowed to mature in its own good time, the lifespan of a Gryphon model is far longer than that of the typical High End component that, if one is to believe the manufacturers, is suddenly outmoded and ripe for replacement after a single season.


